The Rebuild Yourself Method,
by Jen Donovan:
- BS in Biological Anthropology (Human Evolution) and MS in Mental Health Counseling (Systems Theory)
- Tension Releasing Exercises Provider- trauma and nervous system specialist
- Nutritional Therapy Practitioner- expert in ancestral nutrition
- Certified GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) Practitioner- trained in rebuilding the Gut-Brain Axis
- PERSONALLY recovered from Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, chronic fatigue, dysautonomia and anxiety since 2019

Your body is not your enemy. Find your energy, vitality, and resilience to live a full life again!
Chronic illness has root causes that can be addressed through daily practices.
We know what it is like to be exhausted and overwhelmed with endless lists of symptoms.
Our clients have:
Vague, ambiguous, undiagnosed but debilitating symptoms they can't find answers for
Mast cell activation, histamine intolerance, autoimmune symptoms
Dysautonomia, chronic pain, chronic fatigue
Anxiety, depression, unstable moods, intrusive and obsessive thinking patterns
Digestive issues, skin issues, hormone issues
No matter your specific constellation of symptoms, there are the same underlying root causes.
Conventional doctors push reliance on drugs, if they don’t dismiss your symptoms entirely. Even most holistic doctors recommend excessive and harsh supplement protocols without addressing the foundations first.
The truth is, there are simpler solutions. Your body was made to heal- we just need to give it the right foundations.
Work through our curriculum at your own pace with the support of five seasoned coaches and an entire community of peers dedicated to the same healing path.
Immune Resilience is the Most Powerful and Comprehensive Program for Holistic Healing Offered ANYWHERE.
Regain confidence in your body so that you can navigate life without worry or vigilance.
See more testimonials on the link to my youtube playlist below