STOP putting band aids on your symptoms and chasing diagnosis after diagnosis without any comprehensive answers.

Learn about the Gut Brain Axis and how we can address all of your health concerns SIMULTANEOUSLY.
  • You have a multitude of ambiguous but debilitating and complex chronic illness symptoms.

  • You are tired of chasing unhelpful doctors, more test results, and expensive supplement protocols

  • You are ready to address the deeper root cause of all these issues together through understanding and rebuilding the Gut-Brain Axis

Learn why the science behind why our proprietary Rebuild Yourself protocols are the most simple, effective way to jump start your comprehensive healing journey

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Jen Donovan, MS, NTP, CGP is a gut brain axis and nervous system health specialist who has recovered from Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue, Dysautonomia, and Generalized Anxiety and Panic Disorders using her proprietary Rebuild Yourself methods. She is the clinical director at Whole Body Healing with Jen and will be presenting the webinar with time to ask questions. 

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